Our Summer Garden Party

The weather made it an ideal day for this year’s Garden Party!

Brilliant weather made 18th July an ideal day for this year’s Garden Party!

60 or more members and friends confirmed their enjoyment,  joining in all the ‘fun and games’ of the afternoon.
Plenty of activities were on hand to help the Party go with a zing: sedate games of croquet managed by Richard and Stan, plentiful prizes from Lyn Marie’s tombola, an abundance of bric a brac from Rosemary’s ‘Bring and Buy’ stall, greenery galore snapped up from Evie’s plant stall.
The focal point of the afternoon, the Hat Competition, enabled members to display their creative talents. So keen was the competition that Marie judging had to announce 4 winners for their individuality! Finally the‘Art Quiz’. Designed by Evie and Stan to challenge the knowledge of DLK members, this proved an enjoyable brainteaser.

Throughout the party nonstop tea, cakes, scones with jam and cream were supplied by the ‘catering department’( i.e. Josie, Rosemary and Heather).

We are grateful for everyone who came to enjoy the afternoon, for our hosts’ hospitality, for your donations, for all the volunteers who helped out, for the Committee Members whose efforts made this possible and for your generosity in making this such a good, fundraising event. Thank you everyone!!

Heather Whatley –  Chair


© Friends of Dame Laura Knight Society 2010-22